We are proud to welcome our beautiful new stud dog:
V Tommy von der Zenteiche, IGP 2
Lifetime Breed Survey
“a” normal hips & elbows
DM clear

Reserve early for Tommy puppies…

His Sire:
World Sieger: VA Asap von Aldamar, IGP 3

His Maternal Grand Sire:
World Sieger: VA Gary von Huhnegrab, IGP 3
We are pleased to announce the arrival of:
V Ronaldo von der Liebeswarte, IGP 3, FH 2

Ronaldo “Rony” at stud.
He brings absolute correct size, rich pigment, dark eye, dark mask,
super overall structure and excellent temperament.

His maternal grandfather: Swe. Sieger: VA 1 Conbhairean Uno

His fraternal father: VA Finn v d Piste Trophie
VA Romero v Bad-Boll, Sch. 3, here in America!

We are very excited to add Romero (“Romy”) to our Haus Brezel breeding program.
Romero is a proven producer of top winning dogs throughout Europe.
Romero Breed “Koer” Report:
“BIG, power, masculine and strong type – and expression, very good relationship, long withers, firm, straight back, good croup, proportioned chest proportions, very good angulation, correct front, front and rear stepping, very good far reaching gait, strong and powerful gait. Recomended to build typey males and improve overall type and bone strength.”
Reserve early for Romero puppies…
In Memory of My Beloved Burschy
March 22, 1998.- June 23, 2006
2 0 0 1 N O R T H A M E R I C A N S I E G E R
VA1 Burschy zum alten Eichenhof, Sch. III, IPO3 (278 pts.)
SZ 2014500, kkl, DNA, ZW 80
V-34 World Sieger Show – Bremen, Germany 2000
V-13 Italian Sieger Show 2001
VA2 Vice Sieger – Switzerland 2001
2001 North American Sieger
2003 USA Vice Sieger
5 x VA